Guns n Stuff

Frequently Seen on The Range

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Ultimate Sporter R 510 - GRS Stock ©

We don't just get human visitors, and he did survive to tell the tale.

Many thanks to Emmett and Stone for allowing these videos.

Wallies do the dumbest things!!

Adjustable Scope Rings Could be your answer!


All Pictures are subject to copyright. Please contact us through the website if you wish to use any of them. Thankyou

Well, there are a few

more to come....

Chocolate for the correct number of appearances by the 'Special Guest Star'

Mick gets a new gun!!

A not so puny HFT500 :(

Thought he'd miss his FTP900 but still leading the pack!!

He's tried the rest and he's still the best...

with his new Sightron scope.

 N F C S C    2025